Saturday, June 13, 2009

Getting out of my comfort zone!

In the morning when the task was announced, I was apprehensive as I had never done anything like this before in my life. But the ‘business exercise’ was a fantastic experience. My buddy and I left from college at 10am sharp. Luckily, we got a lift right upto our destination ,’Satara road’. Unfortunately my cell phone got lost. My buddy and I looked for it for an hour and then decided to give up because we were running out of time to do the assignment. We entered ‘Mobile shop’ and asked them if they would employ us for a day. They said that their company policy did not allow this. We then went to World of Titan on Satara road. We waited for the manager .At 11.30pm,we asked him if he would employ us to do some work at his showroom till 4pm. He agreed. We were trained for half n hour on all the watches and their features and on company policies. Soon after we started our newly acquired job. We immediately made sales and by 4pm we had sold merchandise worth rs.14,600. They pais us rs.250 each.With each customer that came we gained new insight into the processing of marketing and selling a product. I forgot about the phone getting lost.We made many new friends and learned about the watch business and what a successful sales executive must do. For me it was a life changing experience and one that I will always treasure.

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